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Our Network

Navigate the emotional challenges of separation with support from our network of professionals, trained to care for your family’s well-being and ensure your children’s voices are heard in the decision-making process.

Supporting Services

Achieving Solutions Mediation & Counselling
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Specialised services in child-inclusive mediation, counselling and family therapy.

Fiona works with Josephine to provide a voice to the child and ensure their views are heard in the process. On request, she also co-mediates with Josephine in complex parenting matters where both a legal and social science perspective provide an effective and balanced resolution of family disputes.

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Empowering individuals, families & communities.

Hopefield can provide psychology, counselling, support services and/or community education to support you and your family with the non-legal but important aspects of your separation. 

We also seek to support Hopefield by volunteering in their suppport service and group program and through our donations to their family violence support services program for each completed feedback survey we recieve. 

Technology Providers

Kirkman Family Law use AI and other legal technologies to efficiently automate routine tasks that free up more time to focus on helping you reach resolution. 


AI-powered productivity solutions for law firms. CORTO’s advanced AI solution enhances every aspect of legal practice, bringing unparalleled efficiencies and elevated quality.

Kirkman Family Law uses CORTO to summarise legal material, compare legal documents prepare the initial draft of documents and correspondence.

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Focus on outcomes not admin.
FamilyProperty empowers professionals to more accurately and efficiently prepare, model and document family law outcomes.

Kirkman Family Law uses FamilyProperty to gather information and documents, model out financial and parenting property proposals, exchange documents and prepare documents.


Kirkman Family Law strives to provide a holistic service to our family law clients.

If you or your organisation align with our vision, please contact us on


Please contact us to learn more about our services and partnership services. 

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